Animal Care Dogs Pets Pointer

How to Build a Dog House for Your Pointer

Build a House for Your PointerMore than 50 percent of the population permit their Pointers to stay indoors and sleep on the sofa or in the bed. For those of you who are wondering how to build a dog house for your Pointer, to follow are our easy rules to follow when figuring out the type of house you want to build for your Pointer.

Dogs Pets Pointer

Can A Pointer Benefit From Wearing A Necklace?

pointer NecklaceAre you thinking about buying a necklace for your pointer? read on and you’ll read about some of the wellness benefits of pointer necklaces plus the upgrade in style your pointer will get.

Alternative Veterinary Medicine is considered the practice that takes into consideration and evaluates many different topics influencing thewellness and health of pointers.

Animal Care Dogs Pets Pointer

Teach Your Pointer Jumping for Agility

Teach Your Pointer to Jump for AgilityThis blog is about how to teach a Pointer to jump for agility. We are often asked, “How many jumps should I begin with?” You can never have enough solo jumps to learn agility. A good starting place is 4 jumps. This is the least quantity of jumps that we suggest.

Teaching a Pointer jumping: Begin with Four

You can teach a Pointer many drills, skills, and exercises with four jumps. Four jumps will let you work on a short jump chute or jump grid. You can setup a “box” with your jumps and practice handling, collection, and 270 degree jumps. You can teach your Pointer jumping right and left. You can be outside the box and send your Pointer or you can handle from the inside of the box. Your jumps could be setup in a lateral line, so you could practice threadles and serpentines.

Animal Care Dogs Pets Pointer

3 Tricks You Can Teach Your Pointer Right Now

3 Tricks To Teach Your Pointer
3 Tricks To Teach Your Pointer

To teach your Pointer tricks, even the simple ones, you should always have some of his favorite snacks, go to a quiet suitable location and manage to keep the learning sessions to under fifteen minutes or your Pointer will begin to get bored. Take note that when he gets something right give him lots of appreciation and a reward snack, just be cautious not to get him too excited or he will lose focus.

Teach your Pointer to offer you his paw

To teach your Pointer to offer you his paw, initially

Dogs Pets Pointer

Five Simple Tips For Training Your Pointer Successfully

Five Tips to Train Your PointerTraining the Pointer is not a hard task. You just need patience, dedication along with these 5 easy to learn tactics and you’ll train them successfully.

Below we share 5 Useful Tips for how you can train your Pointer successfully:

1. To avoid a Pointer from getting disoriented and so that they can learn instructions readily just 1 individual should be responsible for training a Pointer at first. In instances where too many people are trying to train a Pointer at once it might stop progress in its tracks.

Dogs Pets Pointer

Is The Pointer Puppy Right For Your Family?

Should you get a Pointer puppy?Sooner or later, most parents are going to be asked: “Mommy, can we get that Pointer puppy?”

Instead of dodging the question, parents are advised to decide if their family is ready for a new puppy, especially a Pointer, says Sharon Bergen, SVP of education and training for Knowledge Learning Corporation, the nation’s foremost provider of early childhood education.

When pondering “should we get the Pointer” Bergen suggests that parents evaluate the plusses and minuses of bringing the Pointer to the family before giving in to a child’s request. “The Pointer can teach your kids responsibility and be a fantastic addition to your household-or it can become a mistake,” she said. Bergen suggests you consider the following before deciding: