Animal Care Dogs Kangal Dog Pets

Finding a Trainer for a Kangal Dog

Find a Trainer for Your Kangal DogWith so many guys advertising in the world of professional dog training right now, deciding who’s truly qualified to look after your Kangal Dog can be tiresome. What to look for when deciding on a trainer to help you with training your Kangal Dog:

How to Find a Trainer For Your Kangal Dog: What to Look For

  • 1) A respected reputation, inquire and obtain advice from your veterinarian, other Kangal Dog owners, or local kennel clubs.
  • 2) Experience. – Inquire about their background, i.e. number of years experience.
  • 3) A genuine love of and devotion to Kangal Dogs.
  • 4) Extensive and up to date knowledge. Dedicated trainers keep themselves updated by attending dog training and animal behavior courses, conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • 5) Their training methodology and handling skills. A good trainers first concern should be the Kangal Dog’s well being.
  • 6) Memberships with reputable associations, organizations and training clubs.

Basic Kangal Dog Obedience Tips

Training needs to be a pleasant and enjoyable situation for both you and your Kangal Dog. If you are not in the best mood for training, don’t even start. Always commend your Kangal Dog for heeding your orders expediently! A prize is anything that your Kangal Dog desires and is happy to earn. Edible treats are an obvious reward but different rewards could be oral commendation and toys. Many shorter sessions are typically more effective than 1 long one. Training mustn’t contain any negative comments or punishment. There should be no yelling, no smacking or hitting, no leash jerking on training leashes or collars, and absolutely no electric shocking! Every single training session is to be enjoyed and positive with prizes for each job well done.

Training Kangal Dogs with head collars

Dragging the lead is one of the few unpleasant jobs of training a new Kangal Dog puppy. Utilizing a head collar for Kangal Dog training has become very popular during the last decade. Training with a head collar does have some benefits over the regular training collar. Even though it is very easy to use, it is imperative that head collars are fitted correctly and your Kangal Dog correctly introduced to the collar. Head collars are usually more intuitive to use than a traditional training collar. Head collars are quite powerful when guiding Kangal Dogs in difficult situations.

Don’t forget to check out these other articles about Kangal Dogs.

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