Bambino Cats Pets

Feeding Your Bambino.

What to feed the BambinoBambinos are predators. Always remember that while considering what food your Bambino should eat. If you don’t adhere to this, your Bambino may reject your food offerings. If you’re giving your him food that is not meat or formulated from meat products, you may have a hard time getting the Bambino to eat.

What food you should serve to your Bambino.

Never forget that Bambinos share recent ancestry with the biggest of cats — cougars, lions and tigers — so keep that in mind when you’re feeding the Bambino. You will not see an adult panther on Animal Planet chewing grass, eating an apple, or drinking milk in the wild. You also would never see a young lion cub in nature drinking the milk of a cow, or any other animal that wasn’t the mother. As ridiculous as these examples appear, that’s what many people feed their Bambinos. So you should not act surprised if your Bambino goes on a hunger strike. Bambinos are different from us and different from dogs. When it comes to nutrition, they are very strict, and you must always keep this in mind. In contrast to what their owners eat, Bambinos need to eat a high proportion of meat for fat and protein. A human would probably end up with many ailments if he ate the Bambino’s diet. Bambinos are not at all the same as humans and they are not miniature dogs. Often you’ll find families who feed their Bambinos just like they feed themselves and their dog, although the Bambinos diet is much more specific. In fact, dog food can be fatal to Bambinos over time because it fails to meet their dietary requirements and it’s usually overloaded with too many carbs, which Bambinos can’t digest well. Bambinos will develop severe weight issues by eating carbs, which can lead to diabetes. The Bambino’s system is not designed for carbs. They are to be avoided.

tips for taking care of young Bambinos

Satiating Your Bambino’s Palate

Before deciding on a particular food for the Bambino make sure it is approved by the American Association of Feed Control Officials. Satisfying those requirements ensures that the Bambino is getting the proper food. You can pay no attention to terms like “gourmet”, ” premium”, ” super-premium”, and “natural” which have no standard definition. You can ask your vet what food (wet or dry) is best for the Bambino. Once you’ve decided, let your Bambino do a taste test. The food is a a great choice if your Bambino likes it and doesn’t display any noticeable discomfort later on. If your Bambino does not seem to like it, however, you must go back to square 1. Bambinos often will go on a hunger strike instead of eat food they don’t enjoy, and such strikes can be harmful. If she commits to a hunger strike, your Bambino runs a high risk of liver failure and death. Don’t switch foods haphazardly, either. Make sure you replace the old food a little at a time in small amounts over a week. This helps prevent your Bambino from rejecting the new food outright and lessens the risk of upsetting your kitty’s stomach.

Portion Size, Snacks, and Feeding Time for Bambinos

How much food do you need to feed your Bambino? The answer may enlighten you. For example, is the Bambino an indoor or outdoor cat? Has the Bambino been neutered or spayed? Both of these answers are important in determining your Bambino’s nutritional requirements. Your best bet is to consult your Bambino’s doctor, who will figure out your Bambinos ideal weight and daily nutritional requirements. Take charge and ask your doctor about your Bambino’s food and weight. Once you know how much your Bambino needs, don’t deviate. Although it seems like it’s not enough, your Bambino will get used to it and stay at his healthy weight. For Bambinos, it’s difficult to lose it once they get fat. Next, plan your Bambino’s meals. Bambinos enjoy small servings during the day, so expect to leave bowls out so she can come and graze whenever hunger strikes. You can give out half in the am before leaving for work and the other half in the evening. Don’t go overboard with treats, either. The more treats they eat, the more they will deviate from their core nutrition.

Don’t forget to check out these other articles about Bambinos

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