Dogs Pets Pointer

Comprehensive Guide To Pointer Care

pointer care tipsOwning dogs, especially taking care of the pointer, is nothing new for people across the world. Experts theorize dogs were domesticated sometime between 12,000 and twenty five thousand years ago—and that all dogs evolved from wolves. Since then, humans have selectively bred more than 400 breeds, which range in size from four-pound teacup poodles to Irish wolfhounds, who have earned the distinction of the tallest pooch. However, the most popular dogs are non-pedigree dogs—the one-of-a-kind dogs known as mutts. The pointer is another popular choice with dog owners. Some owners are misinformed, however, of some of the most critical pointer care tips.

General health care cost of the pointer

The yearly budget for providing for the pointer—to include everything from nutrition and treats, veterinary care, toys and license—can range between $420 and seven hundred eighty dollars. This figure doesn’t include capital costs for spay/neuter operations, collar and leash, a dog carrier and dog crate. Note: Be positive you have all of your supplies before bringing your pointer home.

General pointer Care

How To Feed your pointer

  • pointer pups between eight and twelve weeks old need 4 bowls of food daily.
  • pointer puppies 3 to 6 months old should be fed three meals in a day.
  • Feed puppies 6 months old to 1 year two meals every 24 hours.
  • When the pointer reaches her first birthday, one bowl daily is typically sufficient.
  • Some adult pointers might eat two smaller bowls. It is your responsibility to learn your pointer’s eating tendencies.

Top-quality dry food ensures a balanced diet for grown pointers and may be mixed with water, broth, or canned food. Your pointer may enjoy fruits and vegetables, cottage cheese, and cooked eggs, but these dishes should be less than 10 pct of his daily allowance. pointer pups ought to be given top-quality, name brand puppy food. You should cut down on “table food”, though, because it can result in vitamin and mineral imbalances, bone and teeth concerns, and may cause extremely picky food choices as well as obesity. Clean, potable water should be available exclusively, and make certain to wash food and water dishes often.

pointer Care Tips: Make sure your pointer does some daily physical activity

pointers must have some daily physical activity to burn calories, stimulate their minds, and keep healthy. Exercise also tends to help pointers fight boredom, which often leads to naughty behavior. Getting out of the house will satisfy many of your pointer’s instinctual urges to dig, retrieve, chase, chew and herd. Exercise needs will depend on your pointer’s level of health and her age—but ten minutes in the backyard and just a couple of walks around the block every day probably won’t be enough. If your pointer is a six to 18 month adolescent, his requirements will probably be a little greater.

Grooming tips for pointers

Frequent brushing will help reduce shedding and keep your pointer clean. Inspect for fleas and ticks every day during warm weather. Most pointers don’t need a bath more than a few times during the year. Prior to giving him or her a bath, cut out or comb any mats from the pointer’s hair. Rinse all soap from the coat, or dirt will stick to the soap.

Handling Your pointer

Pups are clearly easier to handle. To carry the pointer pup, take one hand and place it beneath your dog’s chest, either with your forearm or your other hand supporting her back legs and rump. Never try to grab or lift your puppy by his forelegs, back of the neck or tail. When you have to lift a larger, adult pointer, lift from underneath, supporting his or her chest with 1 of your arms and rear end with the other.

Housing the pointer

pointers need a warm quiet location to be able to relax away from all breezes and away from the floor. You might want to purchase a doggie bed, or prefer making one from a wooden box. Place a clean comforter, blanket, or pillow in the bed. Wash the pointer’s bed covering often. If the pointer will be outdoors often, be certain he has covering and plenty of cool water in the summer, and a covered, warm, dry shelter during the winter.

pointer Licensing and Identification

Your town has licensing rules to follow. You should attach the license to your pointer’s collar. This, along with an ID tattoo, may help secure your pointer’s return should she go missing.

Facts on pointer Behavior

Thoughts on pointer Training

A well-mannered, companion pointer can truly be a blessing to have. But untrained, your dog will most likely be a headache. Teaching your pointer the minimums—”Heel”, “Off”, “Sit”, “Stay”, “Come”, “Down”, and “Leave it”—bolsters your relationship with both the pointer as well as the visitors. If you own a puppy, begin training him on the right responses as fast as you can! Treats can be utilized as a lure and recognition. Puppies can be enrolled in obedience class when they have been adequately immunized. Call your local SPCA or humane society for details about training classes. Always keep your pointer on a leash in public, even as a pup. Be certain your pointer will come to you whenever you say so. A disobedient or aggressive pointer can’t play with kids.

Your pointer’s Health

pointers should see the vet for a complete exam, vaccinations and a heartworm exam annualy, and promptly when she is ill or injured.

Knowing Your pointer’s Oral Health

Although we might simply dislike our pointer’s foul breath, we must pay attention to what it might be telling us. Bad breath is a symptom that your pointer should get an oral exam. Plaque caused by unhealthy bacteria results in a foul smell that can only be freshened with the help of a professional. After a cleaning done by a professional, her mouth can be maintained by eliminating table food, feeding a special diet focused on maintaining dental health, and brushing regularly. Your vet can provide you with more guidance for eradicating periodontal disease and halitosis. You can use a baking soda and water paste or a dog toothpaste once or twice per week to brush your pointer’s teeth. You can clean them with a gauze pad, nylon pantyhose wrapped around the finger, or a soft, child’s toothbrush. Some pointers have periodontal disease, sometimes referred to as gum disease. Sometimes, tooth loss takes place as a result of periodontal disease. Diseases can also propagate to the rest of your pointer’s body. The doctor usually will clean your pointer’s teeth while performing her routine health assessment.

Halitosis in pointers

Even though oral disease itself is not a serious threat when it is found early, the foul odors may also indicate serious, chronic problems. Liver or intestinal diseases also cause foul breath, while a fruity, sweet smell may sometimes be a sign of diabetes. If your pointer’s breath smells of ammonia or urine, kidney disease is a possible cause. Set an appointment with a veterinarian whenever your pointer has halitosis along with other signs of disease like excessive urinating or drinking, depression or lethargy, weight loss, nausea, or decreased appetite.

Tick and Fleas in pointers

Daily, regular inspections of your pointer for ticks and fleas throughout the summer are crucial. Use a flea comb to remove fleas. There are several new procedures of flea and tick reduction. Ask your pointer’s doctor about her or his recommendations.

Heartworm problems in pointers

This parasite lives in the heart and passes from an infested dog to your pointer by mosquitoes. Several pointers die each year as a result of heartworms. It is wise to make sure your pointer takes a blood test for heartworms each and every spring—this is necessary to detect infections from the earlier year. It’s also wise to give your pointer a once-a-month tablet in the warm, wet time of the year to help you protect him from heartworms. If you ever travel in a warmer-than-usual region with your pointer in winter, your dog must be on the preventive medicine during the trip. In some milder regions, veterinarians advise preventative heartworm medication be taken continually.

Medicines and Poisons

If you’re contemplating giving your pointer medicine that was not prescribed for her by his vet, don’t do it. One little ibuprofen tablet can possibly cause stomach ulcers in pointers. Keep rat poison and other rodenticides away from your pointer. Be sure to call your dog’s veterinarian if you suspect your pointer has consumed poison. You could also call the ASPCA Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 for twenty-four hr. help.

pointers: Spaying and Neutering

It is recommended that female pointers be spayed—the removal of the uterus and ovaries—and males neutered—removal of the testicles—by 6 months of age. You usually will significantly reduce your female pointer’s chance of breast cancer by spaying prior to maturity. The possibility of a sick uterus, which is also a serious condition that affects more mature females, can also be eliminated by spaying prior to 6 months. Testicular cancer, prostate diseases, some hernias and certain aggressive behavior can be prevented by neutering male pointers.

pointer Immunizations

  • The combination vaccine (also called a “five-in-one shot”) must be given to your pointer at 2, three, and 4 months of age and then once annually. This innoculation immunizes your pointer puppy from distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza. Your pointer puppy’s innoculation regimen cannot be completed prior to four months old.
  • If you have the rare pointer who has not been immunized and is older than 4 or 5 months, he must get a set of 2 immunizations given two to 3 weeks apart, followed by a yearly innoculation.
  • pointer puppy socialization and immunization should coincide. You should take your pointer puppy to socialization classes as early as 8 or 9 weeks old, as recommended by most doctors. They should have already received their first vaccinations by this point.

Statutes are so different around the country, the best thing is to contact your community veterinarian to get rabies immunization details. For example, New York City rules declare that pets older than 3 months be innoculated for rabies. The initial rabies vaccine must be followed up by another vaccination a year later, and then every 3 years after that. There are several vaccines that may right for your pointer. Ask your pointer’s vet for her opinion. Please be aware, if your pointer gets ill because he is not properly immunized, the vaccination can be taken after your dog is back to health.

Roundworms in pointers

pointers are commonly exposed to worms and possible infestation—in all areas, both urban and rural. Tiny eggs created by roundworms are passed in an infested dog’s feces. Most puppies, from all environments, even those with healthy mothers, carry intestinal worms. The secret to treatment is correct diagnosis. Early, accurate diagnosis maximizes the possibility that prescribed treatment will be effective against your dog’s worms. A dewormer that eradicates hookworms, for example, cannot kill tapeworms. Your doctor can best determine the culprit—and assign the appropriate medicine.

pointer Care Tips: Additional Information

Checklist of pointer Supplies

  • Premium-quality dog food and treats specifically designed for pointers and similarly-sized dogs
  • Food dish
  • Water bowl
  • As many safe toys as you can provide, especially chewable
  • Brush & comb for grooming, including a flea comb
  • Collar with identification tag and license
  • Quality leash
  • Dog carrier (for pups)
  • Training crate
  • Dog box or bed with blanket or towel
  • Child’s toothbrush

Warnings to be Heeded

Never, ever feed your pointer the following:

  • Alcohol, beer, wine or liquor
  • Chocolate, coffee, or tea
  • Raisins or grapes
  • Spoiled or moldy food of any kind
  • Onions, chives and garlic
  • Chicken, turkey, or any other poultry bones
  • Salt & salty foods
  • Tomato leaves, unripe fruit and stems
  • Dough

The “Bottom” Line

Keep your pointer on a leash whenever you are outside, unless you are in a fenced-in, secured space. And please, when your pointer defecates on your neighbor’s lawn, dispose of it! Don’t forget to check out these other articles about pointers

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