Cats Pets Turkish Van

How To Feed The Turkish Van?

What to feed the Turkish VanTurkish Vans eat meat and meat only. Never forget that when you’re trying to decide what to feed your Turkish Van. If you don’t adhere to the natural diet, the Turkish Van may seem like a finicky eater. If you’re giving your him food that is not meat or formulated from meat products, you can have a hard time getting your Turkish Van to eat.

How to give to your Turkish Van?

You must always remember Turkish Vans share much of their dna with the biggest of cats — jaguars, lions and tigers — so keep that in mind while feeding the Turkish Van. Never will you witness an adult puma on National Geographic drinking milk, eating an apple, or chewing grass in the wild. Nor would you observe a young cougar cub in nature drinking milk from a cow, or any other animal. As outrageous as these examples appear, that’s exactly how many owners feed their Turkish Vans. Don’t expect your Turkish Van at home to be pleased if that’s what you try to give make her eat. Turkish Vans don’t eat the same way humans or dogs do. As it pertains to nutrition, they are very strict, and as an owner you must always keep this in mind. In contrast to how people eat, Turkish Vans need to eat a high percentage of meat for fat and protein. If we ate like Turkish Vans, we’d have serious health issues at a young age. Just because they’re a part of your family, that does not mean they should eat what you and the dogs eat. It’s not uncommon for people to treat their Turkish Vans exactly like they treat dogs, who can eat a variety of different foods and stay healthy. Given that dog food is predominantly carbohydrates, a dog’s diet can be deadly to your Turkish Van if fed day in and day out. Turkish Vans should not eat carbs and can’t process them. Turkish Vans will develop severe weight problems by eating carbs, which can eventually lead to diabetes. The Turkish Van’s digestive system is not designed for carbs. They are to be avoided.

tips for taking care of your young Turkish Van

Satiating Your Turkish Van’s Palate

When you’re choosing food for your Turkish Van, make sure the label states it meets the guidelines defined by the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). Satisfying those guidelines guarantees that the Turkish Van is receiving the proper nutrition. It’s ok to pay no attention to terms such as “super-premium”, ” natural”, ” gourmet”, and “premium” which have no set definition. Always feel free to ask the veterinarian which food she recommends. After you have picked the best food, it’s now time to let your Turkish Van make the final decision. If the Turkish Van likes the food and doesn’t show any gastrointestinal upsets (such as vomiting) later on, you’ve got a keeper. If your Turkish Van does not seem to tolerate it, on the other hand, you must go back to the drawing board. If your Turkish Van does not tolerate the food you have fed him, a harmful hunger strike is possilbe. If she decides to stop eating, your Turkish Van runs a high risk of liver failure at a minimum and at worst death. Don’t swap foods abruptly, either. Be certain you replace the old food a little at a time in small amounts over the course of about a week. This helps prevent your Turkish Van from rejecting the new food outright and lessens the risk of upsetting your kitty’s stomach.

Feeding Time, Snacks, and Portion Size for Turkish Vans

How much should you feed your Turkish Van? The answer may surprise you. For instance, is your Turkish Van an indoor or outdoor cat? Has your Turkish Van had sterilization surgery? Both of these answers are of utmost importance in establishing your Turkish Van’s nutritional requirements. Your best bet is to consult your veterinarian, who will identify your Turkish Vans ideal weight and daily calorie requirement. Once you find out how much food your Turkish Van needs, stick to the plan. Although it seems like it’s not enough, your Turkish Van will get used to it and settle at a ideal weight. It’s hard to help an obese Turkish Van lose weight, and it’s easier to keep yours at its proper size. Next, plan the Turkish Van’s meals. Turkish Vans like to eat small meals throughout the day, so plan to leave food out so he can eat whenever hunger strikes. You can give out half in the morning before leaving for work and the other half when you return. Don’t go overboard with treats, either. Don’t let snacks dilute their nutrition. Just like with people, too much salt is a bad thing.

Don’t forget to check out these other articles about Turkish Vans

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